Breastplate of St Patrick

Lorica: or Breastplate of St. Patrick

I rise up to-day,
God’s power guiding me, God’s might up-
holding me, God’s wisdom directing me,
The eye of God looking before me, the
ear of God listening for me,
The word of God speaking for me, the
hand of God defending me,
The way of God stretching out before me,
the shield of God protecting me, the
hosts of God guarding me,
From the snares of the demons, from the
seduction of vice, from the wicked
desires of my nature,
From every man who plots against me,
near or afar, alone or with others.

Christ be with me, Christ be before me,
Christ be after me, Christ be within me,
Christ be beneath me, Christ be above me,
Christ be at my right hand,
Christ be a my left hand,
Christ be in the fort, Christ be in the chariot,
Christ be in the ship,
Christ be in the heart of every man who
Thinks of me, Christ be in the mouth of
Every man who speaks to me,
Christ be in every eye that sees me,
“O Church of the Irish ! as ye are children
Of Christ, so ye be children of Rome.”
(Saying of St. Patrick).